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Hive Partitioning and Bucketing

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Naci Simsek
Docker Hadoop Data Engineering Tutorial Hdfs Hive Mapreduce Postgres Catalog
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Hive Partitioning and Bucketing

In the previous article, we created Hive tables and observe data usage on HDFS and metadata management.

In this article, we will be performing partitioning and bucketing options and observe how applying these techniques can help us on query performance.


If you directly opened this article without setting up your Docker environment, I suggest you visit that article to deploy your cluster first.

Data Organization in Hive

There are four main components for organizing data in Hive: databases, tables, partitions, and buckets. Partitions and buckets are key techniques to improve query performance by dividing tables into smaller, manageable pieces.

Think of it this way:

  • Database: Corresponds to a directory in HDFS.
  • Table: Also corresponds to a directory within the database directory in HDFS.
  • Partition: A subdirectory within the table directory, used to further divide data based on partition keys.
  • Bucket: File segments within a partition (or table if not partitioned), organizing data within those directories.

Partitioning allows for faster data access by co-locating frequently queried data within the same folders. Bucketing, on the other hand, distributes data into file segments based on a hash of the bucket column, which is beneficial for query and join performance.

Imagine a large retail chain that processes thousands of sales orders every day. To manage this massive flow of data efficiently, the company organizes its orders in two steps:

1. Partitioning by Date:

Every order is stored in a folder corresponding to the day it was placed. For instance, all orders from September 1, 2023, are stored together, all orders from September 2, 2023, are in another folder, and so on. This means that if you need to retrieve or analyze orders from a particular day, you only need to look at that day’s folder rather than the entire dataset.

2. Bucketing by Store Location:

Within each daily folder, orders are further grouped by the store where they were made. Each store’s orders are kept in a separate bucket. So, if the chain has multiple stores (for example, Store A, Store B, Store C), orders from the same store on a specific day will be grouped together. This makes it much faster to run queries that focus on a particular store, such as joining order data with store-specific information.

Here’s a simple tree representation to illustrate this:

Sales Orders Warehouse
├── Date: 2023-09-01
   ├── Bucket: Store A
   ├── Bucket: Store B
   └── Bucket: Store C
├── Date: 2023-09-02
   ├── Bucket: Store A
   ├── Bucket: Store B
   └── Bucket: Store C
└── Date: 2023-09-03
    ├── Bucket: Store A
    ├── Bucket: Store B
    └── Bucket: Store C

In this setup, if you want to analyze orders from September 2, 2023, you directly go to that day’s folder. Then, if you’re interested in orders from Store B on that day, you only look at the bucket for Store B. This layered organization reduces the amount of data that needs to be scanned and processed, leading to faster query and join performance.


Columns chosen for partitioning should generally be those frequently used in WHERE clauses for filtering data, and should have low cardinality to avoid creating too many small partitions, which can hurt performance. Avoid partitioning by unique IDs like user IDs or phone numbers.


Bucketing is especially effective when the bucketed column is used in GROUP BY or SORT BY clauses in your queries, as it can optimize these operations significantly. Aim for a bucket size that is a multiple of the HDFS block size or around 1GB, using the formula: Table size / Number of buckets >= HDFS block size or table size / 1 GB.

Partitioning Operations

Partitioning in Hive involves dividing a table into smaller parts based on the values of one or more partition keys. This allows Hive to retrieve only the relevant partitions during a query, significantly reducing the amount of data scanned and improving query performance.

Creating a Partitioned Table

Let’s look at an example of creating a partitioned table. In this case, we’ll partition a sales table by sales_date.


Prior to this below step, I am assuming you have already done all the steps prior to this given step of this blog post. Therefore you have a ready Hive service running on your Hadoop cluster, to be able to perform the following steps.

create database db_partition;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS db_partition.sales_partitioned_by_date (
    sales_id      INT,
    country       STRING,
    product_id    INT,
    product_name  STRING,
    quantity      INT,
    unit_price    FLOAT
Tip: Notice that the partition column (sales_date in this example) is defined separately in the PARTITIONED BY clause and is not included in the column definitions within the parentheses before it. However, the sales_date field will still be part of the table columns to be queried just like all other fields.

Static and Dynamic Partitioning

Hive supports two main types of partitioning: static and dynamic.

  • Static Partitioning: In static partitioning, you manually create each partition and explicitly specify the partition when loading data. This is suitable when you know the partition values beforehand.
  • Dynamic Partitioning: Hive automatically creates partitions based on the data being inserted. The CREATE TABLE syntax is the same as for static partitioning. To enable dynamic partitioning, you need to set the following properties:
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;

When dynamic partitioning is enabled, Hive will automatically infer and create new partitions as new partition key values are encountered during data loading.


When using dynamic partitioning, ensure that the partition column(s) are placed last in the INSERT statement’s SELECT clause or VALUES clause.

When to use which?

  • Static Partitioning: Best used when you have a well-defined and relatively small number of partitions, and when data loading processes are predictable. It requires more upfront setup but can be more performant if partitions are well-managed.
  • Dynamic Partitioning: More flexible and less development effort, especially when dealing with data where partition values are not known in advance or are numerous. However, dynamic partitioning can be slower than static partitioning, and there are limits to the number of dynamic partitions that can be created (default is 100 per node). Exceeding this limit will result in an error.

Insert Data into Partitioned Table

Let’s see how to insert data into a dynamically partitioned table. Key points to remember:

  1. Use the INSERT INTO table PARTITION (partition_column) syntax.
  2. Ensure partition column values are provided last in the VALUES clause.INSERT INTO db_partition.sales_partitioned_by_date PARTITION (sales_date)
(100001, 'UK', 2134562, 'Electric Guitar', 2, 2599.99, '2020-04-20'),
(100002, 'USA', 2134563, 'Acoustic Guitar', 1, 1599.99, '2020-02-19'),
(100003, 'USA', 2134563, 'Acoustic Guitar', 2, 1599.99, '2020-02-19'),
(100004, 'TR', 2134563, 'Bass Guitar', 1, 1199.99, '2020-03-19'),
(100005, 'FR', 2133563, 'Drum Set', 1, 899.99, '2020-04-11'),
(100006, 'UK', 2134563, 'Keyboard', 1, 1359.99, '2020-04-14'),
(100007, 'USA', 2134513, 'Electric Bass', 1, 699.99, '2020-04-20'),
(100008, 'TR', 2134560, 'Synthesizer', 1, 1489.99, '2020-03-19'),
(100009, 'UK', 2134569, 'Violin', 1, 465.00, '2020-04-11'),
(100010, 'FR', 2134562, 'Piano', 1, 895.99, '2020-04-14');
select count(1) from db_partition.sales_partitioned_by_date;
| _c0  |
| 10   |

List Partitions and Query Data

You can list the partitions of a Hive table in a few ways. One method is to directly look at the HDFS directory structure:

hdfs dfs -ls /user/hive/warehouse/db_partition.db/sales_partitioned_by_date
Found 5 items
drwxr-xr-x   - root supergroup          0 2025-02-16 12:26 /user/hive/warehouse/db_partition.db/sales_partitioned_by_date/sales_date=2020-02-19
drwxr-xr-x   - root supergroup          0 2025-02-16 12:26 /user/hive/warehouse/db_partition.db/sales_partitioned_by_date/sales_date=2020-03-19
drwxr-xr-x   - root supergroup          0 2025-02-16 12:26 /user/hive/warehouse/db_partition.db/sales_partitioned_by_date/sales_date=2020-04-11
drwxr-xr-x   - root supergroup          0 2025-02-16 12:26 /user/hive/warehouse/db_partition.db/sales_partitioned_by_date/sales_date=2020-04-14
drwxr-xr-x   - root supergroup          0 2025-02-16 12:26 /user/hive/warehouse/db_partition.db/sales_partitioned_by_date/sales_date=2020-04-20

Alternatively, you can use the Hive CLI command:

SHOW partitions db_partition.sales_partitioned_by_date;
|       partition        |
| sales_date=2020-02-19  |
| sales_date=2020-03-19  |
| sales_date=2020-04-11  |
| sales_date=2020-04-14  |
| sales_date=2020-04-20  |

To query data from a specific partition, you can include a WHERE clause that filters on the partition column:

SELECT * FROM db_partition.sales_partitioned_by_date WHERE sales_date = '2020-04-11' LIMIT 10;
| sales_partitioned_by_date.sales_id  |  | sales_partitioned_by_date.product_id  | sales_partitioned_by_date.product_name  | sales_partitioned_by_date.quantity  | sales_partitioned_by_date.unit_price  | sales_partitioned_by_date.sales_date  |
| 100005                              | FR                                 | 2133563                               | Drum Set                                | 1                                   | 899.99                                | 2020-04-11                            |
| 100009                              | UK                                 | 2134569                               | Violin                                  | 1                                   | 465.0                                 | 2020-04-11                            |


Bucketing is another data organization technique in Hive. While partitioning divides data into different directories, bucketing further divides data within partitions (or within a table if it’s not partitioned) into multiple files called buckets.

Bucketing is beneficial for:

  • Improved query performance: Especially for queries involving joins and sampling.
  • Data organization: Data is pre-sorted and organized within each bucket.

To use bucketing, you must specify the number of buckets when creating the table and enable bucketing enforcement:

set hive.enforce.bucketing = true;

This setting ensures that Hive respects bucketing when writing data into the table.

Partitioning + Bucketing Example

Let’s dive into a practical example that demonstrates the combined power of partitioning and bucketing. In this example, we will use the MovieLens dataset to analyze movie ratings. Our business needs require us to efficiently query the most popular movies of a month with the lowest possible latency. To achieve this, we will create a Hive table that is both partitioned and bucketed.

Download Datasets

First, we need to download the MovieLens datasets ( and u.item) from the provided URL using wget command into our cluster-master container shell where we run the Hive services from:

Make sure you download it to the folder where you map the docker volume (usr/local/hadoop/namenode/), if you would like to access the dataset even the container gets restarted.

root@cluster-master:/# cd usr/local/hadoop/namenode/
mkdir hive_datasets
cd hive_datasets/
wget -O u.item
wget -O

To understand the structure and delimiters of these datasets, we can use the head command:

root@cluster-master:/usr/local/hadoop/namenode/hive_datasets# head u.item
root@cluster-master:/usr/local/hadoop/namenode/hive_datasets# head
user_id	item_id	rating	timestamp
196	242	3	881250949
186	302	3	891717742
22	377	1	878887116
244	51	2	880606923
166	346	1	886397596
298	474	4	884182806

Now, let’s proceed to load these datasets into Hive tables. Start by launching the Beeline client and creating a database named movies:

create database if not exists movielens;

Load Data into Respective Hive Tables

First, we will load the dataset into a Hive table named ratings.

Create Hive DB/Table and Load Data

To load the ratings data, we first create an external table movielens.ratings matching the structure of Note that the delimiter is tab (\t) and we skip the header line.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS movielens.ratings (
    user_id     INT,
    item_id     INT,
    rating      INT,
    rating_time BIGINT
TBLPROPERTIES ('skip.header.line.count'='1');

Then, load the data from the local file system into the movielens.ratings table:

load data local inpath '/usr/local/hadoop/namenode/hive_datasets/' into table movielens.ratings;

Verify the data load by selecting a few rows and checking the total row count and distinct user count:

select * from movielens.ratings limit 4;
| ratings.user_id  | ratings.item_id  | ratings.rating  | ratings.rating_time  |
| 196              | 242              | 3               | 881250949            |
| 186              | 302              | 3               | 891717742            |
| 22               | 377              | 1               | 878887116            |
| 244              | 51               | 2               | 880606923            |
select count(1) from movielens.ratings;
|   _c0   |
| 100000  |
select count(distinct user_id) from movielens.ratings;
| _c0  |
| 943  |

Next, load the u.item dataset into a Hive table named movies.

Create the movies table in the movielens database, matching the structure of u.item. Note that the delimiter is pipe (|) and we skip the header line.

create table if not exists  movielens.movies (
    movieid int,
    movietitle string,
    releasedate string,
    videoreleasedate string,
    IMDbURL string,
    unknown tinyint,
    Action tinyint,
    Adventure tinyint,
    Animation tinyint,
    Childrens tinyint,
    Comedy tinyint,
    Crime tinyint,
    Documentary tinyint,
    Drama tinyint,
    Fantasy tinyint,
    FilmNoir tinyint,
    Horror tinyint,
    Musical tinyint,
    Mystery tinyint,
    Romance tinyint,
    SciFi tinyint,
    Thriller tinyint,
    War tinyint,
    Western  tinyint)
    row format delimited
fields terminated by '|'
lines terminated by '\n'
stored as textfile

Load data from the local file system into the movielens.movies table:

load data local inpath '/usr/local/hadoop/namenode/hive_datasets/u.item' into table movielens.movies;

Verify the data load by selecting a few rows and checking the total row count:

select movieid, movietitle, releasedate, imdburl from movielens.movies limit 5;
| movieid  |    movietitle    | releasedate  |                      imdburl                       |
| 1        | ToyStory(1995)   | 01-Jan-1995  | |
| 2        | GoldenEye(1995)  | 01-Jan-1995  | |
| 3        | FourRooms(1995)  | 01-Jan-1995  | |
| 4        | GetShorty(1995)  | 01-Jan-1995  | |
| 5        | Copycat(1995)    | 01-Jan-1995  |  |
5 rows selected (0.189 seconds)
select count(1) from movielens.movies;
|  _c0  |
| 1682  |

Now that we have both ratings and movies data loaded into Hive, we can create our partitioned and bucketed table.

Create Partitioned and Bucketed Hive Table

To efficiently query popular movies by month, create the movielens.movie_ratings table partitioned by review_year and review_month, and bucketed by movietitle:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS movielens.movie_ratings (
    user_id            INT,
    rating             INT,
    rating_time        BIGINT,
    movieid            INT,
    movietitle         STRING,
    videoreleasedate   STRING,
    imdburl            STRING
    review_year INT,
    review_month INT

Enable dynamic partitioning and bucketing for the data loading process:

set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
set hive.enforce.bucketing=true;

Load Data into Partitioned & Bucketed Table by Joining Existing Hive Tables

Load data into the movielens.movie_ratings table by joining movielens.ratings and movielens.movies tables. The data will be dynamically partitioned by review_year and review_month:

insert overwrite table movielens.movie_ratings PARTITION(review_year, review_month)
    YEAR(from_unixtime(r.rating_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd')) as review_year,
    MONTH(from_unixtime(r.rating_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd')) as review_month
from movielens.ratings r join movielens.movies m on r.item_id = m.movieid;

Perform Checks and Queries on Partitioned & Bucketed Final Hive Table

Verify the data loading and partitioning by checking the row count and listing partitions:

select count(1) from movielens.movie_ratings;
|   _c0   |
| 100000  |

We can describe our table to see its fields, their data type, and see if there is partitioning in place, and if yes, on which columns the partitioning is performed:

describe movielens.movie_ratings;
|         col_name         | data_type  | comment  |
| user_id                  | int        |          |
| rating                   | int        |          |
| rating_time              | bigint     |          |
| movieid                  | int        |          |
| movietitle               | string     |          |
| videoreleasedate         | string     |          |
| imdburl                  | string     |          |
| review_year              | int        |          |
| review_month             | int        |          |
|                          | NULL       | NULL     |
| # Partition Information  | NULL       | NULL     |
| # col_name               | data_type  | comment  |
| review_year              | int        |          |
| review_month             | int        |          |
14 rows selected (0.113 seconds)

We can list the created partitions, which are basically different folder structure Hive generates on HDFS:

show partitions movielens.movie_ratings;
|             partition             |
| review_year=1997/review_month=10  |
| review_year=1997/review_month=11  |
| review_year=1997/review_month=12  |
| review_year=1997/review_month=9   |
| review_year=1998/review_month=1   |
| review_year=1998/review_month=2   |
| review_year=1998/review_month=3   |
| review_year=1998/review_month=4   |

It is always nice to use third party tools to access quick visualization of your underlying servers. This time, I will view the partitioning folder structure of our table from Big Data Plugin of Intellij where I connected to the underlying HDFS to see the partitioning folders created by Hive:


Same can also be viewed on the Namenode UI’s Browse Directory menu where you can browse the HDFS:


We can see the partitioning works correctly by performing distinct query on review_year and review_month fields of our movielens.movie_ratings table:

select distinct (review_year, review_month) from movielens.movie_ratings;
|           _c0            |
| {"col1":1997,"col2":9}   |
| {"col1":1997,"col2":10}  |
| {"col1":1997,"col2":11}  |
| {"col1":1997,"col2":12}  |
| {"col1":1998,"col2":1}   |
| {"col1":1998,"col2":2}   |
| {"col1":1998,"col2":3}   |
| {"col1":1998,"col2":4}   |
8 rows selected (32.082 seconds)

Now, let’s run queries to find the top rated movies in April 1998.

Top rated counts movies in April 1998

Find the top 20 most rated movies in April 1998:

    COUNT(*) AS total_count,
    review_year = 1998
    AND review_month = 4
    total_count DESC
| total_count  |          movietitle          |
| 63           | Titanic(1997)                |
| 52           | AirForceOne(1997)            |
| 50           | Contact(1997)                |
| 49           | FullMonty,The(1997)          |
| 49           | StarWars(1977)               |
| 42           | GoodWillHunting(1997)        |
| 41           | LiarLiar(1997)               |
| 41           | EnglishPatient,The(1996)     |
| 39           | AsGoodAsItGets(1997)         |
| 39           | ConspiracyTheory(1997)       |
| 37           | Scream(1996)                 |
| 36           | ToyStory(1995)               |
| 36           | Fargo(1996)                  |
| 36           | ReturnoftheJedi(1983)        |
| 35           | L.A.Confidential(1997)       |
| 34           | ChasingAmy(1997)             |
| 34           | Godfather,The(1972)          |
| 33           | Braveheart(1995)             |
| 33           | StarshipTroopers(1997)       |
| 33           | SilenceoftheLambs,The(1991)  |

Top average rated movies in April 1998

Find the top 20 highest average rated movies in April 1998:

    AVG(rating) AS avg_rating,
    COUNT(*) AS total_count,
    review_year = 1998
    AND review_month = 4
    avg_rating DESC
| avg_rating  | total_count  |                movietitle                 |
| 5.0         | 3            | CelluloidCloset,The(1995)                 |
| 5.0         | 1            | Boys,Les(1997)                            |
| 5.0         | 1            | Flirt(1995)                               |
| 5.0         | 1            | FreeWilly2:TheAdventureHome(1995)         |
| 5.0         | 1            | DeltaofVenus(1994)                        |
| 5.0         | 1            | CutthroatIsland(1995)                     |
| 5.0         | 1            | DunstonChecksIn(1996)                     |
| 5.0         | 2            | Diexueshuangxiong(Killer,The)(1989)       |
| 5.0         | 1            | Lassie(1994)                              |
| 5.0         | 1            | Innocents,The(1961)                       |
| 5.0         | 1            | Stalingrad(1993)                          |
| 5.0         | 1            | FearofaBlackHat(1993)                     |
| 5.0         | 1            | Trust(1990)                               |
| 5.0         | 1            | BoxingHelena(1993)                        |
| 5.0         | 1            | DavyCrockett,KingoftheWildFrontier(1955)  |
| 5.0         | 1            | BitterSugar(AzucarAmargo)(1996)           |
| 5.0         | 1            | BlueSky(1994)                             |
| 5.0         | 1            | Daylight(1996)                            |
| 5.0         | 2            | Prefontaine(1997)                         |
| 5.0         | 1            | 8Seconds(1994)                            |

These queries demonstrate how partitioning by year and month and bucketing by movie title can help optimize data retrieval and analysis for time-based and movie-centric queries for low latency access to popular movie data.


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